Make a Difference in Perinatal Health
The Education Committee enhances perinatal outcomes by organizing educational opportunities, including Web-Cafés and Café Lecture Series across South Carolina's perinatal regions. We actively contribute to SCPA's "Perinatal News" with article ideas and development.
The Membership Committee recruits and retains SCPA members, showcasing our association's achievements at conferences to attract more individuals dedicated to enhancing the health of women, infants, and children.
The Public Affairs Committee champions policies enhancing women, infants, and children's health. It offers legislative updates through the SCPA newsletter, issues alerts for urgent policy actions, and conducts training and forums to educate members and the public on key issues and effective legislator communication.
Board Members
Cheryl Neuner, BSN, MBA, RNC-NIC
Meg Jewell, MA
Bentley Liebenow, BSN, RNC-ELBW
Lamikka Purvis Samuel, LMSW
Jennifer Desai, RN, MSN
Michelle Flanagan, RNC, BSN
Michelle Hayes, RN, MSN
Bentley Liebenow, BSN, RNC-ELBW
Cheryl Suttles, BSN, RNC, CLC
Regional Representatives
Kathy Ray, RN, MSN

Faith Knowles, MSN, RN
Renee Washington, MSN, MBA, RN, C-EFM
Cheryl Neuner, BSN, MBA, RNC-NIC
Discipline Representatives
Lamikka Purvis Samuel, LMSW

Richard (Dee) Adams, MD, FACOG
Elizabeth Patel, MSN-LM, RNC-NIC
Tameca Wilson
Kimberly R. Alston